Posts Tagged With: americas



People have been blogging for years. If there’s one thing to be realized at this time, it’s that all I can seek to accomplish with this blog is the promotion of cycle touring. Others become encouraged to spend more time outside, and I become happier.
Tonight’s main course, and I know it’s exciting already, is a tomato sauce based, and salsa verde infused chicken that is luckily paired with macaroni and cheese, served on a bed of coos coos garnished with goldfish treats. Best enjoyed with a warm water. Said Adam. It was a gracious meal we made while camped out under an Arizona highway.
That guy, the one who invented the wheel, deserves a warm round of applause.
It never ceases to surprise how the simplicity of two wheels can create such enjoyment, even on a bike that’s well over two decades old. Bicycle Touring isn’t just about the bike or the touring, but the opportunities you can take along the way. It’s a sense of belonging in some of the most foreign and isolated places. It’s not concerned with arriving at a destination, but just how far your legs can take you to fulfill dreams of travel. The time-shortened notion attached to “Touring” is only a reminder that it’s a temporary journey.


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